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Dubbed Vs Subbed
[Replies: 12]  [Views: 6172]
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Dubbed or Subbed
 7%  [ 1 ]
 78%  [ 11 ]
 14%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes: 14

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Post#1  Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:53 pm  Reply with quote + 
Me and a friend of mine had a pretty long discussion the other day on which
we preferred and I was just wondering what your opinion on the matter was and which
one you prefer I personally like subs better unless the company that dubbed
the anime did a good job
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Post#2  Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:17 pm  Reply with quote + 
Subs definately, only questioned on the rare occurance that voice actors are less annoying for the US release.
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Regulus 777

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Post#3  Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:17 pm  Reply with quote + 
I like both. There can be such heated arguments on this... You usually get the choice to see either or so I don't see what the big fuss is about. The dubs would have to be pretty atrocious for me to have a problem with it. I haven't seen all that many dubs I thought were horrible and 75-80% of the time I'll watch my anime dubbed. I've seen quite a bit of anime. I've noticed tv anime can have bad voice overs but generally when you get it from ADV films or something the voices are usually pretty good in english.

Both for me is fine enough
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Post#4  Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:28 am  Reply with quote + 
I don't really care which but i would prefer dubbed just because i hate reading subtitles and i usually lose track at whats happening because im trying to read the subtitles.
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Post#5  Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:38 am  Reply with quote + 
Also I just like listening to japanese enough for some reason, but i forgot, theres other instances where i'll use dubs... for example shows like cowboy bebop (i really liked that dub anyway) which i saw a bit of before i got ahold of the dvd.
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Glair Bomber

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Post#6  Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:15 pm  Reply with quote + 
I prefer subbed, by far. I've just had too many bad experiences with dubs. xD I've heard a few good dubs, like Cowboy Bepop was mentioned, but yeah... I've watched so many animes with subs now, though, I've trained my eyes to read the subtitles and watch the screen at the same time, so it's not a problem for me.
Meta's PokePet

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Post#7  Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:48 pm  Reply with quote + 
Bomba_Twist wrote:
i hate reading subtitles and i usually lose track at whats happening because im trying to read the subtitles.
I used to have a problem with subs for that reason but I kinda trained my eyes like Glair mentioned
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Hammer Bomber

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Post#8  Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:44 pm  Reply with quote + 
seeing as its ushally american voices that are used in dubbing, ill choose subs. theres nothing more agrovateing than some guy dressed in long stuff with a crap voice, acshually to be honest, i dont like anime anyway
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Post#9  Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:14 am  Reply with quote + 
I'll choose subs because it fit well. I like some dub anime, but I hate dub that under 4Kids..Just look one piece! It horror! :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :mad:  :mad: 
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Post#10  Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:15 am  Reply with quote + 
Yeah, some dubs are good while others can be very very bad. Like Sonic X for example. Terrible.

But sometimes I think they can be better than the original, or sometimes just indeffirent. Neon Genesis Evangelion I think had a far better voice for Gendou Ikari in the dub than the original. Example, in the episode where Touji and his Eva are being slaughtered, instead of the Japanese VA for Gendou shouting his command, he just speaks normally, while obviously the animation shows that he is yelling. The english version is better suited to that scene, which is one of the many horrific ones that the anime has. The dub VA just has more emotion for the character.
I don't know what to put here.
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Post#11  Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
Subs ftw. Even if an english voice actor fits the character, they never seem to achieve the same emotion as the character had with the original Japanese VA. I'd rather see the characters as they were originally, instead of altered to be "normal" for a North American (or anywhere else, for that matter) audience.
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Phantom Kensai

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Post#12  Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:18 am  Reply with quote + 
I guess it says a lot about myself if this is the 1st post I'm officially making...

I'll open up with something written on this topic by one of Anime News Network's contributors:

I ask the questions what are the points that one should make in the age old anime argument sub vs dub I have always been on the side of dub while I can see many points are quite true and valid my stomach turns when people say "because I want the pure emotion and translations than that hack and butchered versions made by comapnies to take all the money from your pockets" which I am sure you know that covers alot of anime fans that go so far as to hate subtitles made by companies and they only go for fansub thinking they are better than all. I always make the case that these people are usually in college studying Japanese and no subtitles are purer than dub since its the same idea.

The people you're talking about arguing with are a new breed of "fan" (although I hesitate to call them that) out there right now, created mostly by the proliferation of anime via bittorrent. They make a number of wacky claims, like anime companies are all evil behemoths who exist solely to drain your wallet, that all commercial translations are incorrect, that dubs "butcher" the spirit of the original Japanese version and that anime is created under some bizarre bohemian ideal that it should be totally free and readily available to anyone who wants it. Their general attitude is that anyone trying to make a buck off of anime is an evil capitalist pig-dog who disrespect and mutilate their untouchable sacred artwork.

These people live in a fantasy world that does not exist outside the internet. Basically, what they're arguing is a fairly ridiculous set of ideals that justify the fact that they steal anime rather than pay for it. It's the ultimate excuse to not have to pay for anything; everything the companies do is wrong, anime should be free for everyone, fan translations are always better, etcetera. All of these "beliefs" point to one thing: not paying for anime. It's way past simply "dub versus sub", an argument that should have gone the way of the dinosaur when DVDs first started becoming popular, since 99 percent of DVDs released present the show in both languages. Those people claiming to understand the "pure emotion and feeling" of anime in Japanese probably don't even speak the language; if they're taking it in college, even a few semesters of Japanese isn't enough to really understand the full range of emotion since you're only going to be speaking at a 2nd or 3rd grade level, and even then, there's no guarantee your listening comprehension will be up to par. The whole "pure emotion and feeling" argument is just another excuse to not pay for anime.

The people who argue this way are, frankly, pretty despicable and hypocritical. They tout themselves as being the world's biggest anime fans, stalwart chosen protectors of the creator's original vision, and yet they are also the least likely to actually support the shows they claim to love so much by paying for the legit DVD release. They behave as though the ultimate show of affection and support for someone's art is to steal it, slap your lame fansub group name all over the title sequence (Like #ANIME-SOX PRESENTS CHRONO CRUSADE), use gaudy fonts and half-assed translations to subtitle the show and then give it to as many people as possible for free. This attitude makes absolutely ZERO sense and I await the day when some of these people start using even an ounce of common sense, climb down off whatever self-righteous pedestal they've built for themselves and maybe ditch the bullcrap communist nonsense they spew about how anime should be free for everyone.

Real anime fans support the shows they love by buying the legitimate DVD release. Period.

I wouldn't go that far myself. But, I often find myself on the side of the subs.

There's a reason subs tend to be better, and that's because it was in the original language it was made in. I prefer to keep things that way. To stay consistent, I would rather watch, say, Get Backers in Japanese and Batman Beyond in English.

I will concede there are exceptions: perhaps the greatest dub, in my opinion, is Digimon Tamers; better, even, than the Japanese. For the most part, I think they're about equal, but what clinches the English version for me is Guilmon's voice. Steven Jay Blum did a better job at portraying the red lizard as a big goofball and cute bread-snarfing pet than the Japanese version did. It's even more mindboggling when you consider he also did the voice for Mitsuo Yamaki, one of the more sinister characters, and managed to give him an aura of command and hostility. Yamaki happens to be one of the characters who I think was portrayed equally well in English and in Japanese (I guess it's no coincidence, then, that Blum and Susuma Chiba are two of my more favored VAs).

Yes, I've seen my share of horrendous dubbing... Ultraman Tiga anyone?
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Glair Bomber

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Post#13  Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:50 am  Reply with quote + 
You know, I usually prefer subs, but I think it doesn't matter as long as the VOICE FITS THE CHARACTER! For example, for anyone who has watched Castle in the Sky, a classic anime film. Pazu is supposed to be a young boy, and so he has a voice in Japanese that sounds like that; a young boy. In English, however, he sounds well into his teens. In short; it sounds way too old.

It is like that most often. However, there are other things that don't apply to that. I would rather watch Cowboy Bebop in English, for example. The same with Spiral. The voices in Samurai Champloo are about equal in both Japanese and English, so I don't mind watching the show in either language. However, you take Escaflowne, and Dilandu sounds like an angry 11-year-old in the English dub. Not cool.

So for me, it all depends. If the voice is reasonable, I don't care.
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