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From Topic: Power Bomberman 0.7.7c
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Post#21  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:42 pm  Reply with quote + 
Fixed Robo Bomber stage accordingly, thanks for feedback.
Lastly, the reason I requested that you add the speed button is I actually want the cart to go even faster than it already is, despite you saying that the default you set is already quite fast. I just need the speed key to get around the stage faster when I'm done killing someone all the way to the left side of the stage and I want to go right. Plus, there's still a spare button when you're on the cart anyway... Unless the other button ALSO adjusts throw strength.

Due to ability to create minimal chain reactions and default higher speed, I think this might be too much of a buff. Also, I am going to add the "hold A longer for distance" functionality in place of "hold C button for distance".
EDIT: you think using a power glove to throw someone into a 1 ton to instakill him is unbalanced? It can be annoying sometimes but I think that's how it's supossed to be.

Using Power Glove to throw enemies into pressure blocks in order to eliminate them should work here and it has been the case in every 2D Bomberman game I know where you could try that. If you couldn't defeat opponents this way, it might have been a bug.

can't use detonator when you have certain other power-up even if you have no bombs around (and even if it's the most recently picked up power up AND I don't have a powerup that overrides the button for it).

Could you rephrase that? I have hard time understanding what this issue is about.
Line bomb should be binded to another button (any as long as it's not also the bomb laying button. B or C would work I think).
I decided to use the double-bombset method like in older games rather than single button binding known from newer ones so you don't have to Line Bomb every time you want to punch one. Also, this set-up makes you able to set up "cages" of bombs around the opponents if you set yourself up close to a wall, do a bomb line, turn around and do another bomb line.
AIs tend to kill themselves all the time when they have the power up that allows them to pass through blocks. Happens even when they are completely alone (e.g. in the extra large stage when they are isolated in the corner and they have at least 1 bomb-up and there are no oppenents to bother him while he farms).

Will look into.
Remote bombs stay forever when thier owners die (intentional?).

The remaining bombs can be used for your own purposes and chain reactions, so I decided to leave that as is.
Lastly, a suggestion. This might annoy the crap out of people playing when they can't see them but... can you allow remote bombs and mines power-ups to sort of combine you you can detonate mines?

There is no Mine Bomb in latest public version, but I indeed have it set up in upcoming one lol
But there is no type mixing like in Super Bomberman, so you won't be able to do that.
BTW, are warp things supossed to send you back to themselves? As in, it sends me up to the sky and often just puts me back in the exact same position as I was before very often.

Will fix.
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