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Bomberman Wars Translation (game)
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#1  Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:39 am  Reply with quote + 
Bomberman Wars PlayStation Patch!

Thanks to denim and his beautiful hacking abilities, you can now play the PSX version of Bomberman Wars with full English text! Over the past few months, denim has kept in touch with me, requesting further translations for stuff I'd missed while he worked diligently on a patch for the game. Today, it is released to the public! :veryhappy: 

You can find the patch here!

Please give this game a try if you haven't already. It's one of my personal favourites!

Old Post/Full Translation Below

I've been playing Bomberman Wars (PSX) lately, and decided to translate some of it. I don't plan on actually hacking the text in the game, because I have no idea how to do that, likely never will know how to do that, and if I did find out it would probably take more time than I have available. But, here's what I have so far.

Firstly, the main menu. If you see *, that means that those appear in the submenu - for example, when you choose "Quest Mode", you see those three boxes with the * before them. On the Options menu. I missed a kana for the D-Pad, but it's self-explanatory.

----Main Menu----
クエスト モード - Quest Mode
* クエスト モード - Quest Mode
* ニュ ゲーム - New Game
* コンティニュ- - Continue
バトル モード - Battle Mode
オプション モード - Option Mode

[[Option Mode]]
音声出力設定 ステレオ モノラル
Audio Output Settings  Stereo Mono
* 曲目 - Track
* 戻る - Back

Open Status Panel

Switch View Type

Confirm Command

Cancel Command

Move Cursor, Select Command

Select Button
Start Button
Press Simultaneously

[[Green Box]]
メ モリーカードを抜かないでください.
Please do not remove memory card.
Loading complete.

----Merchant Bomber----

[[Red Box]]
Money on hand _ x ten thousand coins
example: _ = 10
Money on hand 100,000 coins

[[Lower left box]]
This costs _ x ten thousand coins

[[Items in order]]
エンゼル ボイス - Angel Voice
Next turn becomes yours

パワードリンク - Power Drink
Movement+1 Firepower+1 Setting range+1

スピード ブ-ツ - Speed Boots

ゼロ ウォッチ - Zero Watch
Number of remaining turns set to 0

ルーズ ベル - Loose Bell
Bomb countdown increased by 5
* NOTE: By Bomb Countdown they do NOT mean the number of bombs that character can set. This increases the fuse on all bombs on the field by 5! Don't make the same mistake I did! :hilarious: 

[Cannot buy box]
Out of stock

[[Trying to buy without enough money]]
You're joking, right?
(Hard for me to translate, but basically he's saying you must be kidding while keeping a very polite tone.)

[[Purchasing something]]
Thank you very much.
(maido ookini, a general phrase used by shopkeepers.)

----Save Screen----
セーブ - Save
ロード - Load
キャンセル - Cancel
[Previous Save box]
以前に, セーブされたファイルがあります.
Previous save file exists.
Permission to overwrite?
[Confirmation box]
* よろしいですか - Is this OK?
* はい - Yes
* いいえ - No
[Saving box]
メ モリーカードを抜かないでください.
Please do not remove memory card.
Saving complete.
[Saving canceled]
Save canceled.
[Loading without memory card]
Unable to load. No memory card inserted in memory card slot 1.
[Loading without save file]
Unable to load. No file found on memory card in memory card slot 1.
[Saving without memory card]
Unable to save. No memory card inserted in memory card slot 1.

----Rule Explanation----
(Title) ルールを説明 - Rules Explanation
次のページ - Next Page
前のページ - Previous Page
終了 - Close

Page 1 wrote:
Rules Explanation

Page 2 wrote:
Win Conditions

In Bomberman Wars, there are 2 win conditions

1 対戦相手の ボンバーキング を倒す
2 対戦相手を ボンバーキング のみにする

1 The enemy Bomber King is defeated
2 Only the enemy Bomber King remains

Page 3 wrote:
Lose Conditions

In Bomberman Wars, there are 2 lose conditions

1 ボンバーキング を倒される
2 ボンバーキング のみにされる

1 Your Bomber King is defeated
2 Only your Bomber King remains

Page 4 wrote:
Draw Conditions

In Bomberman Wars, there are 3 draw conditions

1 同時に両者がキングを失時
2 両者がキングのみ残っている時
3 片方のプレイヤーがキングのみ、

1 When both Kings are lost at the same time
2 When only both Kings are left
3 When one player has only a King left, and the other player loses their King

Page 5 wrote:
About Turns and Bombs (1)


When the turn changes, the timer (number on turn display) will count down

Page 6 wrote:
About Turns and Bombs (2)


When each player changes turns, all bomb counters decrease by 1
When the count reaches 0, the bomb will explode

Turn Change

Page 7 wrote:
About Items (1)


When saved up, they can be used to buy shop items from Merchant Bomber

Bomb Up

Bomb capacity is increased by 1

Page 8 wrote:
About Items (2)

Fire Up

Firepower (bomb blast) is increased by 1

Full Fire

Firepower is maximized (8)

Page 9 wrote:
About Items (3)

Speed Up

Movement ability is increased by 1


Movement ability is decreased by 1
(Cannot be 0)

Page 10 wrote:
About Items (4)

Remote Control

Sets the bomb counter to 1
The "Remote Control" command is added

Bomb Kick

You can kick a bomb; it moves until it hits an obstacle
The "Bomb Kick" command is added

Page 11 wrote:
About Items (5)


+2 count to all bombs on the field


Able to avoid defeat 1 time

Page 12 wrote:
About Items (6)


取ると ボンバーケルベロスや、ボンバードラゴンに変身します
When taken, transforms into Bomber Cerberus or Bomber Dragon
Able to avoid defeat 1 time
When hit, turns back into original Bomberman

----Battle Formation----
[移動] = [MOVE] _ [マス] [Units]
[配置] = [RANGE] _ [マス] [Units]
[持殊] = [SPEC]

* なし = without, for game purposes I'm putting N/A

[Fighter Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 2 Units

[Witch Bomber]
[MOVE] 1 Unit
[RANGE] 3 Units

[Cleric Bomber]
[MOVE] 1 Unit
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 祈り Prayer

[Thief Bomber]
[MOVE] 3 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit

[Archer Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 弓を射る Shoot bow

[Fairy Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 水上歩行 Water Pass

[Monk Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] つき飛ばし Thrust

[Giant Bomber]
[MOVE] 1 Unit
[RANGE] 2 Units
[SPEC] 運ぶ Carry

[Bishop Bomber]
[MOVE] 1 Unit
[RANGE] 2 Units
[SPEC] 祈り Prayer

[Paladin Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 祈り Prayer

[Bomber Musashi]
[MOVE] 1 Unit
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 居合い斬り Quick Cut

[Ninja Bomber]
[MOVE] 2 Units
[RANGE] 1 Unit
[SPEC] 飛びこし Leap

[Prince Bomber]
[MOVE] 3 Units
[RANGE] 2 Units

[Initial info box]

O Button
Place in party
X Button
Remove from party

[Leaving the screen]

Is this O.K.?

----Castle Guards----
(from top to bottom)
--Left Side
[Guard 1]データーを記録します.
Record Data.
[Guard 2]おつかれさまです.
Many thanks.
[Guard 3]ルールを説明します.
Rule Explanation.
[Merchant Room Guard]買い物はこちらです.
Shopping here.
--Right Side
[Guard 1]パーティーを編成します.
Party Formation.
[Guard 1, after obtaining a new unit] 新しい仲間が待機中です。
A new comrade is awaiting orders.
[Guard 2]ステージを選択します.
Stage Selection.
[Guard 2, leaving the area] (Added 12/17/2015)
Sally forth?

----Map Screen----
Please Select Stage.
ステージセレクト - Stage Select
攻略面数 - Number of Captured Surfaces
クリアー済み - Clear

[Stages, in rows left to right]
火炎帝国 - Flame Empire
モコモコ山 - Fluffy Mountain
乙女の渓流 - Maiden Mountain Stream
カチコチ高地 - Tense Highland
風の宮殿 - Wind Palace
* NOTE: I am unsure about the names "Fluffy Mountain" and "Tense Highland". Verification would be appreciated.

カラカラ砂漠 - Bone Dry Desert (corrected 7/25/10)
一番鳥の - First Cockrow Hill (corrected 12/17/15)
巨人の街道 - Highway of Giants
勇気の洞窟 - Cave of Valour
ブルブル山 - Shivering Mountain
* NOTE: I am unsure about the name "First Ringing Hill". Verification would be appreciated. (corrected - see above)

耳鳴り渓谷 - Buzzing Canyon
盗賊の森 - Thief Forest
ボンバー城 - Bomber Castle
妖精の泉 - Fairy Fountain
きらめき浜 - Sparkle Beach

ギザギザ山 - Jagged Mountain
戦士の草原 - Warrior Plain
修行の塔 - Training Tower
幽霊船 - Ghost Ship
ジボング - Jibongu

地下神殿 - Underground Temple
旅立ちの港 - Journey Harbor
ボンバー海 - Bomber Sea
とんがり島 - Sharp Point Island
海底王宮 - Seabed Royal Palace

----Battle Mode----
[First Menu]
Opponent vsCOM vsMAN
COMレベル よわい ふつう つよい
COM Lvl Weak Average Strong
Match Win Count 1 2 3 4 5

(If no second controller is connected)
No controller connected

[Second Menu]
ユニット名 移動 配置 持殊
--List of Units with stats, refer to Battle Formation section--
バートル-を決定 - Decide Battle

[Third Menu]
ステージセレクト - Stage Select

[バートルステージ __] = [Battle Stage __]
[フィールドサイズ] [Field Size]
_ x _
[マップレベル] = [Map Level]
_ _ _ _ (O = Bomb symbol)

[Stage 1]
[Hero Plaza] (勇者の広場)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

[Stage 2]
[Bomber Park] (ボンバー庭園)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

[Stage 3]
[Legendary Sanctuary] (伝説の神殿)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

[Stage 4]
[Warrior Hill] (戦士の丘)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

[Stage 5]
[Flame Battlefield] (炎の戦場)
[Field Size]
7 x 7
[Map Level]

[Stage 6]
[Underground Corridor] (地下回廊)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

[Stage 7]
[Nameless Palace] (名もなき宮殿)
[Field Size]
7 x 7
[Map Level]

[Stage 8]
[Arena of Trials] (試練の闘技場)
[Field Size]
9 x 9
[Map Level]

----Miscellaneous Messages----
[Memory Card Full]
注意!! メモリーカード差込ロ1の
Attention!! There is no free block in the memory card in port [square]1. Starting the game with memory units as they are, it is not possible to save progress to the memory card.
Please press the [O] button to continue the game.
[Confirmation box] (appears in several places)
* よろしいですか - Is this OK?
* はい - Yes
* いいえ - No

----Status Bar (Start Button in-game)----
ステージ - Stage ______ (Stage name here)
マップレベル - Map Level ____ (Ranking number here)

1P COM (or 2P)
(Shiro Head) (Kuro Head)
____ (Status*) ____ (Status*)
*Status can be: 行動中 - In Action or 待機中 - In Standby

(P1 NUMBER) 勝 - Wins (P2 NUMBER)

(P1 NUMBER) 残りユニット数 - Remaining Units (P2 NUMBER)
(P1 NUMBER) 所持爆弾数 - Remaining Bombs (P2 NUMBER)

ターンチェンジする - Change Turn
このターンをやり値す -Redo Turn
退却する - Retreat
キャンセル - Cancel

----Action Commands (Selecting Character in-game)----
移動する - Move
バクダン - Bomb
運ぶ - Carry (Giant Bomber)
弓を射る - Shoot Bow (Archer Bomber)
祈る - Prayer (Cleric, Bishop, Paladin Bombers)
つき飛ばし - Thrust (Monk Bomber)
居合い斬り - Quick Cut (Samurai Bomber)
ボムキック - Bomb Kick (with respective item)
リモコン - Remote Control (with respective item
アイテム - Item (if 1 is owned, opens sublist)

----Winning Messages (appears below "WIN" upon clearing a stage)----
クリアボーナス - Clear Bonus (x1)
パーフェクトボーナス - Perfect Bonus (x3)

----Voice Acting----
King Bomber
[Bomb] "Hah!"
[Defeat] "Mu, munen!" ("R, regret!")

Fighter Bomber
[Bomb] "Ikuzo!" ("Let's go!")
[Defeat] "Uuuahhhh!"

Witch Bomber
[Bomb] "Chichin puipui!" (magic words, like an equivalent of our "abra kadabra")
[Defeat] "Ayaa!"

Cleric Bomber
[Bomb] "Ha-!"
[Prayer] "Hahh!"
[Defeat] "Ahhhh!"

Thief Bomber
[Bomb] "Yoshi!" ("Okay!")
[Defeat] "Dousha!" *Unsure

Archer Bomber
[Bow Shoot] "Yaaaa!"

Fairy Bomber
[Bomb] "Hah!"
[Defeat] "Ahhhh!"

Monk Bomber
[Thrust] "Seno!" (Pretty sure it means something along the lines of "go!")
[Defeat] "Shimatta!" (meaning "I have made a mistake"; generally translated as an expletive like "crap")

Giant Bomber
[Defeat] "Nnnnooo!"
[Carry] "Yushuka!" *Unsure
[Bomb] "Yoshi!" ("Okay!")

Bishop Bomber

Paladin Bomber

Bomber Musashi
[Bomb] "Nyaahhh!"
[Quick Cut] "Ouda!" ("Strike!")
[Defeat] "Ayaa!"

Ninja Bomber

Prince Bomber
[Defeat] "Mu, munen!" ("R, regret!")

Fire Bomber
[Breaking Fire] "Wohh! Bureikingu Faiya!" ("Wohh! Breaking Fire!")

Earth Bomber
[Line Bomb] "Da-radara! Untara guzurun da gye!" (Not sure, but "da-radara is an onomatopoeia for "Slush" - something slushing, like ice melting from a mountain)
[Defeat] Gyaaahaaoh! Nande oresama ga gittagi da nano da gya!
("Gyaaahaaoh! How was I beaten so badly?!") [exact same line from Bomberman World]

Cyclone Bomber
[Bomb] "Ouda!" ("Strike!")
[Cosmic Cyclone] "Kozumikku Saikuron!" ("Cosmic Cyclone!")

Aqua Bomber
[Intro 1]"Hh-He he he ha ha ha ha! Oya? Sakana no esa da na? Ehe he he he he!"
("Hh-He he he ha ha ha ha! What's this? Fish bait? Ehe he he he he!")
[Bermuda Siren] "Bamyuda Siren!" ("Bermuda Siren!")
[Defeat] "Hahahah - Ah! I-tatatatatatata!"
("Hahahah - Ah! Ooh-Owowowowow!")

Yeah I know the Voice Acting section is laughable. I was just surprised to have figured at least one of them right. Oh hey, the VA section isn't as terrible anymore.

Now, as for why I put this topic here. I was going to put it in Bomberman Emulation but I really don't think I could hack the text and I highly doubt anyone else would, even provided translations. I also thought about putting it in Game Help but it's more than just that. I definitely want to keep this separate from the Manuals topic.

EDIT: Added these sections: Save Screen, Rule Explanation (only buttons and title), Battle Formation, Castle Guards. Now, I KNOW there must be a final secret character because there's a space for it, but I can't seem to unlock it. I thought it was going to be the hidden boss, where you go back to the place you've already beaten and the opposing King is replaced with the boss, but then I found out there are two secret bosses. All I can guess is that the final character must be that regular-looking Bomberman in Aqua Bomber's stage. But how to get it, I don't know.

EDIT 2: For how to get the final secret character, see the second post in this topic.

EDIT 3 (3/7/10): Fixed a mistake... I had Ninja Bomber's Move attribute at 1 instead of 2. Didn't make sense as 1 because then his Leap Spec would be useless.

EDIT 4 (8/7/13): Changed "Samurai Bomber" to "Bomber Musashi". I'm not sure why I forgot to fix this so long ago.

EDIT 5 (11/7/13): Added a message that I'd missed (new unit available). Changed the same guard's normal message "Battle Formation" into "Party Formation", which is what it really says (what a weird oversight). Changed all of the dashes (-) to chōonpu (ー).

EDIT 6 (9/7/15): Changed "MAX" to "Units". Not sure what I was thinking back then.

EDIT 7 (12/16/15): Added "not enough money" and "item purchased" messages above, on request.

EDIT 8 (12/17/15): Added initial info box and exiting screen text for the battle formation screen, also on request.

EDIT 9 (12/26/15): Added "save canceled" message.

EDIT 10 (12/26/15): Cleaned up the Options Mode text.

EDIT 11 (12/28/15): Added "no controller connected" and "wins" counter text.

EDIT 12 (12/29/15): Added the Rules Explanation section.

EDIT 13 (12/30/15): Added three messages for save/load errors regarding memory cards.

EDIT 14 (12/30/15): Cleaned up the VA section a bit and added some translations I'd done in the past but never updated here.

Last edited by Plasma Bomber on Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:24 pm
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Post#2  Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:56 pm  Reply with quote + 
Aha! Nice to see someone do this professionally. I attempted a translation myself, but, uh, it wasn't very good. At all. It was mostly just for personal notes while playing, but it was in terrible, terrible shape. I'm glad to see this looks like it's going places.
Trying to make sense of some of the uncertain stage names is beyond my skill, but the most I can suggest is changing "bomb count" (of the Loose Bell item) to "bomb countdown." Just for convenience sake, y'know.

Regarding the last Bomberman slot, that's for Prince Bomber (uh, I think! you'd obviously know more about name translations than I would, but I don't have the source text handy). I don't think anywhere explicitly says what precisely you need to do, but basically after you complete a bunch of stages (most sources say ten), you go to the unit select screen in the castle and remove all your Bombermen. Have no one on your team. Then when you re-enter, Prince Bomber will be on the last slot. To my knowledge you can't capture him like you would with any other unit.
Though... don't suppose you know how you encounter the secret bosses? I don't think I ever bothered looking for them, and admittedly it wasn't until I ripped the sprites from the PlayStation version about a year or so ago that I got concrete evidence that they actually existed; I don't even know where I heard about them in the first place, but then it sounded like badly translated nonsense. It's Honey and Kotetsu, btw.

Awesome to see all the stage names translated, as although they're incredibly minor, it's always neat to know what they say (any chance of translating those Saturn Bomberman Fight!! stage names? =P ). Regarding a text hack, man, I wish I knew how, but unfortunately do not. It's really only the merchant screen, the battle commands and the ending (I think) that use the proper font, though - a huge amount of text is just individual image files, even the tutorial screens. If someone was good enough with graphics to recreate the fonts in English then that would be pretty neat, and I imagine if you were polite you could wrangle someone from to take care of the text stuff.
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Post#3  Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:40 pm  Reply with quote + 
So...I'm assuming you played this via emulation. If so how did you do it? I'm having a bit of trouble with PS1 and Sega Saturn emulators. I asked this question in the emulation forum once but I don't think anybody answered me.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#4  Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:07 pm  Reply with quote + 
Oh, I see now (about Prince Bomber). Thanks for the heads-up!
And yeah you're right, it should be bomb "countdown", not "count".

As for the secret bosses, I first noticed that page in the manual where it just has a big question mark. It reads something like:
隠しキャラがどこかにいる - Secret character somewhere
一度クリアしたステ-ジも, もう一回行ってみよう. どこに隠しキャラがいる.
Once a stage is cleared, try going once again. A secret character is somewhere.

So basically, after clearing the stage "Buzzing Canyon" (middle on left side), play it again and you'll get to fight Honey. After clearing the stage "Jibongu" (Japanese stage w/ pink trees), play it again and you'll fight Kotetsu.
If you try it, watch out with Honey. Firstly, the stage has a line of hard and soft blocks separating you from the opponents. Secondly, she has a massive range for setting bombs, and as a boss can set more than one! Even when you get to be able to predict her attacking methods, she can still be a pain.

About the fonts (or lack thereof), I'd think that would actually be really really good for a text hack, mostly because of how those stage names are much longer in Japanese. Could go for that tall and skinny font like in the English version of SB3 (If I remember right). If I ever get everything translated in the game I might think about hitting someone up who has the expertise to hack it. Although, I'd like to translate all the voice acting too, but I'm very terrible at that because I've spent all my time focusing on written Japanese. I thought Fire Bomber's attack was "Raging Fire" but it's really "Breaking Fire".

Oh yeah, Man-Frog, I thought I remembered somebody asking about that before. Here's what I did:
Get the emulator "ePSXe"
You can get the rom from Zophar's Domain
Once everything's all set, run ePSXe and choose File>Run ISO, then choose the .img file (if you got the same one I did, it's "Bomberman Wars [NTSC - JAP].img"

BIG NOTE!!!: For this topic, due to the nature of the subject, I'll be posting -all- updates to translation in the first post.
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Post#5  Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:50 pm  Reply with quote + 
Thanks for that tidbit. Now all I have to do is figure out how Saturn emulation works and I'll be good to go.
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Regulus 777

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Post#6  Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:16 am  Reply with quote + 
Nice! I've been planning on importing a copy of this game for Sega Saturn eventually cause it's definately one of the Bomberman games I don't have yet that I've been very interested in.

This is the kick in the ass I've been needing, I think once I'm moved into my new apartment next week I'll hit up Ebay.

Keep working on it dood. I'll definately be one of the guys using it.
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Post#7  Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:19 am  Reply with quote + 
Man-Frog wrote:
Thanks for that tidbit. Now all I have to do is figure out how Saturn emulation works and I'll be good to go.
SSF is what you'll want! Though keep in mind that loading games isn't anywhere near as simple as most others where you just select the game file; SSF loads from the CD tray, so either you need to burn the game to a CD, or you can use a program like DAEMON-Tools to load the game in a 'virtual drive', and then changing the settings so SSF will read from that drive (usually labelled Drive E or G or something). It's... kinda awkward to explain, but it's pretty simple once you know what you're doing. Hopefully.

And just for giggles, I threw "だら" (dara) into Google translate. They say it means "litany." Huh.

[EDIT] Just for the sake of completism, would it be worth translating the memory card error message? At least, I assume it's a memory card error. It pops up when I choose Quest Mode. I don't think I've ever had ePSXe set up correctly.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#8  Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:14 am  Reply with quote + 
Man-Frog: Ironic you should say that, last night I got Saturn Bomberman to work. It worked before, but there was no music. I went in to study the sprites (wasn't going to play the game without music :hilarious:  ) and it started. Now I don't know if it's because I had to reconfigure my sound to record from the computer (first time on Vista, I think, so things were odd), or if I had downloaded a different version of it and forgot to try it yet. In any case if you have trouble with music ask me, I couldn't find any help on the internet.

Regulus: Awesome! Glad I can be of help.

Ragey: Yeah I don't understand the "da-radara" thing, but when he first appears he makes all kinds of odd noises, I'm wondering if it's not supposed to be intelligible (like some kind of animal language or something).

And yeah, that message is saying that your memory card is full and it can't save your progress. Not sure why that would come up in an emulator... Anyway it's added to the first post now. Technically where I wrote "memory units" in the second line, it says something like "location" or "place" instead of "memory", but it's easier to understand for English speakers as "memory units" in my opinion.

EDIT: Added translation for the Battle Mode.
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Duke Serkol

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Post#9  Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:15 pm  Reply with quote + 
Good work. Have you considered trying to submit the translated menus to GameFAQs?
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#10  Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:18 pm  Reply with quote + 
Yeah I have actually, there's not much there right now.

Hey... hey hey - Serkol! You're back!! :surprise: 

EDIT: Added the sections Status Bar, Action Commands, and Winning Messages. Added the "Confirmation Box" to the Miscellaneous section. Modified the Voice Acting section and added one for Cyclone Bomber.
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Post#11  Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:22 am  Reply with quote + 
Ragey wrote:
Man-Frog wrote:
Thanks for that tidbit. Now all I have to do is figure out how Saturn emulation works and I'll be good to go.
SSF is what you'll want! Though keep in mind that loading games isn't anywhere near as simple as most others where you just select the game file; SSF loads from the CD tray, so either you need to burn the game to a CD, or you can use a program like DAEMON-Tools to load the game in a 'virtual drive', and then changing the settings so SSF will read from that drive (usually labelled Drive E or G or something). It's... kinda awkward to explain, but it's pretty simple once you know what you're doing. Hopefully.

One other thing: Where am I supposed to put the BIOS file?
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#12  Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:29 am  Reply with quote + 
Make a folder called "BIOS" (not sure if this matters). Then when you open SFF, click on "Option (O)" and on the first tab, "Peripheral", under "Saturn BIOS" click [Browse] and navigate to the BIOS file. Also make sure you adjust the Area Code at the bottom of that window to whatever region you're playing, and under Cartridge choose 4GB. For the CD Drive, you need to choose your actual CD Drive location if you're playing a real Saturn CD, or if not, you need to choose the Virtual Drive you created, if you're using DAEMON Tools Lite lke I am it probably will be "OFE" and then a bunch of numbers and characters.

If you don't hear any music, try going to the "Program3" tab and un-checking the CD Track/Index box. I'm not sure if there's anything else to do but that was the final straw in getting mine to work.
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Post#13  Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
I actually chose to burn the ROM into a blank disk and play it from the actual disk drive. There's music on the menus but not in the main game (so far all I'm playing on here is Saturn Bomberman Fight!! and it's great). I'll try the method you just mentioned.

EDIT: The Program 3 tab already had the CD Index box un-checked. :P
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#14  Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:06 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hmm... Well, here are my current settings that might be relevant:

Sound Tab: Linear Flitering checked, Buffer Size [1024], Interval [1/2]
Program1 Tab: Both "CD Block" settings unchecked, Sound Thread unchecked
Program3 Tab: "No BIOS" is checked, CD Track/Index unchecked

If changing stuff doesn't help, try hitting one of the [Set] buttons on the "EZ Setting" tab.
If that still doesn't work, try adjusting the sound settings on your computer. If you're using XP, I think there's something about letting it play "from CD" or something of the like, I seem to remember having trouble with an old game on my previous computer (the music not working) and got the music to work by changing that. If you're using Vista, I'm not sure. I only changed my "recording device" to "Stereo Mix" between not having music and having music, but that technically shouldn't affect anything.
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Post#15  Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:13 am  Reply with quote + 
Pretty darn sweet, sir. :veryhappy:  It's not a bad game if you're bored, well, the Saturn version. I have not ever gotten around to PS1 emulation despite my brother's insistence to give it a go. Thank you very much for the info.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#16  Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:18 am  Reply with quote + 
Woah. Old topic is old. But I think I finally figured out the meaning of the stage name "Jibongu". In fact it is so obvious that I feel like an idiot for not figuring this out before.


The stage looks like a classic Japanese setting, pink trees and all. It's a play on Japan, with the word "bon" (bomb) inserted cleverly.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

(...Holy crap, has it really been this long? No way...)
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Regulus 777

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Post#17  Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:01 am  Reply with quote + 
lol, I miss Dragon Bomber. That guy was cool. Hope he's doing well out there.

outside of bmanboard's protective walls....
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Post#18  Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:02 am  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
outside of bmanboard's protective walls....

It's a cold warld out there. Somewhere, Gannondorf is laughing. Laughing... and waiting...
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Post#19  Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:22 am  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
lol, I miss Dragon Bomber. That guy was cool. Hope he's doing well out there.

outside of bmanboard's protective walls....

Outside of the board's protective walls. I like that. :D

I have been all over the place interest wise as usual, as many of you know I have interest ADD. Bomberman always has my back but I sometimes dwell on other projects like music, movies, or whatever else. I moved since I last rambled here a ton, into an apt, which has pros and cons. Less display room for bomberman items but more freedom to play bomberman. ;) I volunteer with an at-risk youth mentoring program and outside of work that keeps me pretty worn down, besides my illness that new doctors are still looking for root causes for. Allergies alone should not be turning me into a real robot. :D

I will try to keep up with this place more, and another bman haunt I am sure I have missed good content from. Upside to the mentoring is I have been able to expose new people to bomberman in group game night environments, and they loved it. I also have been working at training young children to beat their adult uncles who are my cousins, with the joke being the adults cried at losing. Not so sure it will be as much a joke as serious business soon. Those kids learn quickly. :>

Take care, people. I need to figure out what I have left undone and target the threads accordingly.

Edit I was pretty tickled a while back to finally start playing a simple version of the main Bomberman theme on guitar. Some zelda stuff, SMB1 overworld theme, random simple songs.
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Soniti 254

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Post#20  Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:55 am  Reply with quote + 
Holy crap, you're alive--I mean, you're back!

Welcome back, yo. Sounds like you're doing well.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

Recent stuff I'm into:

Watching: A Certain Scientific Railgun (ep.14, stalled), Hoshi no Kirby (ep. 71, stalled), Nazo No Kanojo X (ep. 8), Acchi Kocchi (ep. 8)
Reading: nothing
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