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Bomberman 64 abridged series
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Post#1  Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:20 pm  Reply with quote + 
I'm pretty sure that some of you have heard about abridged series, which are shortened parodies of shows and video games and most of the time are funny. Anyways, not too long ago, I discovered a Bomberman 64 abridged series which was done by salamance64. I didn't really watch because to me, it wasn't really that funny. Unfortunately, this person isn't experienced in abridging unlike other abridgers like Littlekuriboh (Yu-Gi-Oh abridged, come on, pretty much everyone knows him!), hbi2k (Berserk, Gantz, and Escaflowne abridged), Kaiserneko (Lupin III abridged), and other abridgers and the editing is quite poor. If any of you guys are interested in this, you can take a look at the first episode here
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Post#2  Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:26 pm  Reply with quote + 
Cool, you actually discovered my parody. Yes I'm not as experienced as the others but this was more of a test for me. Also, for the sake of other ametuer parody makers, if your gonna compare a series to another series. At least have them with the same, I don't know, experience. Like for example: I used Audacity, Moviemaker and cam studio. The most basic programs I can find. The abridgers that everbody loves so much, use stuff like, Tony Vegas, Camtasia, Adobe Photo Shop, After Effects, Macromedia Flash and much more probably. Compare them to eachother, and ametuers to ametuers. Like me to jimstevens, he did a majoras mask abridged that ripped off Adamwestslapdog's completely, and was full of unnecassary and uncencored cussing. I used jokes that I came up with most of the time, and fake the cussing. Plus, you probably only watched part of the first episode. Also I'm not saying your wrong. I'm not even that much of a fan of my series, but still I am better than most other ametuers.
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Post#3  Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:16 pm  Reply with quote + 
I wasn't trying to bash you or anything btw (if I was, forgive me as I have no idea what came out of my mouth when I wrote that post as it was a few months back >.> *spanks self*). After all, we all start somewhere. But, I must admit that this is a good attempt on making a B64 abridged series. I know I've heard of Audacity and several of those other programs you mentioned since I know a lot of other abridgers use those programs.

About when you mentioned about the censoring of foul language...

Although most abridgers censor foul language in case young children may be watching it, I know a few abridgers who don't do that yet they do good job on abridged series (such as GanXingba who does Avatar The Last Airbender Abridged and BenettTheSage who does Elfen Lied abridged, but then again, Elfen Lied is for more of a mature audience and I don't really think that it really has to do with much of anything.)

How I was able to find your parody? I typed in "Bomberman abridged" a while back and stumbled across your videos. And yes, I only saw like one episode of it and didn't bother to watch, but then again, that's just me being nitpicky.
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