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BombermanBoard 2009 Feature Request
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Post#1  Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
Here you can discuss and request forum features, areas, modifications and anything of the sort that you'd like to see done.

Before requesting anything, make sure that we haven't already added it to the forum.

Here's the list of features and changes announced in this topic so far.

[Collapse] (05-17-2010) 3 Minor Updates
- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker Definition and Thesaurus button links have been fixed, so they work again.
2: The Spell Checker is now compatible with all modern browsers and possibly some older ones too. If it's not compatible with your browser, then just post here and I'll add compatibility for it if it can be done.
3: Forum style and layouts for various things has been fixed for all browsers, things like buttons, input fields, certain layouts and etc, everything should look the way that it was supposed to in all browsers now. It's not perfect but it's close to it, everything displays perfect in IE for sure.
[Collapse] (04-30-2010) 2 Features, 6 Minor Updates
- New Features

Index Sub-Forum New Posts Icon
On the index forum page, if there's no posts in a main forum section but in a sub-forum located under it, then it will show a new Sub-Forum New Posts Icon instead of the no new posts icon.

Collapse BBCode
A new BBCode for..
[Collapse] ← click this
..collapsing text has been added, you can see some use of it this topic's first post.
Example: [collapse]text to collapse here[/collapse]
Example 2: [collapse="subject here"]text to collapse here[/collapse]

[Collapse Text]
This is what it looks like without a subject.

- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker is now working again, due to a server change it wasn't finding anything.
2: Fixed an issue with the Spoiler BBCode.
3: Fixed an issue with "View recent posts since" menu disappearing before allowing you to select anything.
4: The Memberlist now by default displays the users in the order starting from the most recently active.
5: The time is also shown now in the Memberlist and in User Profiles for Last Active, instead of just the date.
6: Miscellaneous here and there things.
[Collapse] (03-30-2009) 1 Feature
- New Features

View Posted in Topics within Time Frame
There's now a link around the top of the index page near the other view posts links, that will allow you to view a lists of topics that have been posted in within the time frame that you select- this is the easiest way to view the overall newest posted in topics from every forum section.
Screenshot: View

Note: This topic has not been updated since 2010, for newer updates check the Change Log topic in Board Announcements.

Last edited by Razon on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:50 pm
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Post#2  Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:48 pm  Reply with quote + 
I always think that it is cool when there is "thanks" button for each post.
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Hammer Bomber

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Post#3  Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:15 am  Reply with quote + 
mmm, that or a reputation system is used on a lot of boards elsewhere, i think they work quite well
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Post#4  Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
New Modification has been added for viewing newly posted in topics.

View Posted in Topics within Time Frame (Added: 03-30)
There's now a link around the top of the index page near the other view posts links, that will allow you to view a lists of topics that have been posted in within the time frame that you select- this is the easiest way to view the overall newest posted in topics from every forum section.
Screenshot: View

This feature is nice if you open a new browser window and it happens to clear out the list of your newest unread posts, so you can view a list of the newest posted in topics instead of having to check each section that was posted in recently to find what you didn't read.

As for the thank you or reputation mod, the thank you mod that you linked to is actually only for topics and not individual posts or I would have installed it already- and I checked out some reputation mods and I'd rather go with a thank you mod instead. Since there isn't a post one for this forum type, I'll consider getting around to making a custom thank you mod to get the job done for it.

You aren't just limited to requesting mods from the lists, you can request whatever feature you'd like to see on the forum.

Last edited by Razon on Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:18 pm
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Post#5  Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:36 pm  Reply with quote + 
There should be a subforum of the Life in General which is locked from non-members and unestablished members. This way we can post pictures and text that we do not want visible to the entire internet.

The rule should be: minimum of 200 posts and registration date no later than Dec 2004.

Why did I post this? (green smiley, :peace:  )
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#6  Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:09 pm  Reply with quote + 
Uh huh, I see... so members who joined in May 2005 are "unestablished"... :shifty: 

(Yeah I know it was probably a joke)
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Soniti 254

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Post#7  Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
There should be a subforum of the Life in General which is locked from non-members and unestablished members. This way we can post pictures and text that we do not want visible to the entire internet.

Dude, once something's on the internet, anyone and everyone will see it, sooner or later. :peace: 

The rule should be: minimum of 200 posts and registration date no later than Dec 2004.

So basically, only those who were around before December of 2004 are established members, and not those who are actually still posting, right? Cool. :peace: 

(If the smileys didn't make it obvious, I'm just kidding.)
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

Recent stuff I'm into:

Watching: A Certain Scientific Railgun (ep.14, stalled), Hoshi no Kirby (ep. 71, stalled), Nazo No Kanojo X (ep. 8), Acchi Kocchi (ep. 8)
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#8  Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
My post count is evil incarnate! OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN

Okay... it's gone now...

But now that I think about it, there's actually something I'd like to suggest. It's been mentioned before but new posts in subforums are sometimes easy to overlook when scanning through the main index. For example, the Bomberman Artwork subforum. I think it may have something to do with the little paper symbol being something like 8x8 pixels. Or perhaps it's not the size, but the color?
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Post#9  Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:25 pm  Reply with quote + 
Isn't it a bit late to start the Old Boarders club? While we're on the topic though... Fun Fact, it seems of the 9 people who rejoined on the 12th 5 of them have been on in the last 2 days, all but one of them in the last year. Not a bad hold rate... though it tapers off really quickly the later someone joined after the reformation.
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Regulus 777

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Post#10  Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:56 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hehe, I guess I'm in the cool club.

The Bombermanboard Elite! lol

It's an interesting idea though I'm not sure just how much you could do with it. The requirements should be a little less strict as well. Like maybe 1 or 2 years with the board though the 200+ posts sounds about good. It's more about devotion to the board then how long you've been there. Not too many people reach 200 posts. The 1 or 2 year marker can be used to stop someone from posting like mad just to get in.

Also that is an interesting bit of info there Fireball.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#11  Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
Does there really need to be a "cool kids club"? I mean honestly, the forum is small enough as it is. You'd just be isolating new members.
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Soniti 254

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Post#12  Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:03 pm  Reply with quote + 
Dark Zaphe wrote:
Does there really need to be a "cool kids club"?

No, but come on! I've always wanted to be in one of those! :peace: 

Dark Zaphe wrote:
But now that I think about it, there's actually something I'd like to suggest. It's been mentioned before but new posts in subforums are sometimes easy to overlook when scanning through the main index. For example, the Bomberman Artwork subforum. I think it may have something to do with the little paper symbol being something like 8x8 pixels. Or perhaps it's not the size, but the color?

I second this. Unless you're really looking, there's no real way to see that there are new posts in those subforums. The only way I'd even find out sometimes is if the newest post was made on today's date.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

Recent stuff I'm into:

Watching: A Certain Scientific Railgun (ep.14, stalled), Hoshi no Kirby (ep. 71, stalled), Nazo No Kanojo X (ep. 8), Acchi Kocchi (ep. 8)
Reading: nothing
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Post#13  Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:12 pm  Reply with quote + 
Did a few fixes and updates for the board, going to list them off.

- New Features

Index Sub-Forum New Posts Icon
On the index forum page, if there's no posts in a main forum section but in a sub-forum located under it, then it will show a new Sub-Forum New Posts Icon instead of the no new posts icon.

Collapse BBCode
A new BBCode for..
[Collapse] ← click this
..collapsing text has been added, you can see some use of it this topic's first post.
Example: [collapse]text to collapse here[/collapse]
Example 2: [collapse="subject here"]text to collapse here[/collapse]

[Collapse Text]
This is what it looks like without a subject.

- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker is now working again, due to a server change it wasn't finding anything.
2: Fixed an issue with the Spoiler BBCode.
3: Fixed an issue with "View recent posts since" menu disappearing before allowing you to select anything.
4: The Memberlist now by default displays the users in the order starting from the most recently active.
5: The time is also shown now in the Memberlist and in User Profiles for Last Active, instead of just the date.
6: Miscellaneous here and there things.

Planned to add the collapse tag since the major 2009 update, that's why I didn't want the spoiler tag used for other stuff. And as requested, I've made it easier to notice new sub-forum posts.

Also as you've likely seen, there's a custom chat in development for the forum. It's only available on the index atm, you'll need scripts on for it to show. Once it's completed I'll officially announce about it here, if you have any issues with it then say it in the chat or private message me about it. I break it occasionally when working on it, but it should be fully stable most of the time.

Plan to do some other small forum updates soon, like adding support for daylight saving time, and expanding the who is online and users browsing areas and such. And as always, just request anything if you'd like to see it added to the forum.

As for a forum section for veteran users, I don't think that it's really needed. It might be nice to have as a chat channel though, where you need to be registered for at least 2 years and have made 10 posts or something like that. The discussion would be a lot more private, as no-one can just join the forum and find out what we're saying.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#14  Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:45 pm  Reply with quote + 
I've already said it, but I'll say it again (where it stays permanent): Thanks for making the sub-forum icons flash, and the chat is looking awesome.

Nice touch with the Collapse code too. That seems like it will be pretty useful.
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Post#15  Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:49 pm  Reply with quote + 
Collapse text eh? This should come in handy. :peace: 
She's a maniac~
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Post#16  Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:55 am  Reply with quote + 
Browser compatibility updates and cleanups.

- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker Definition and Thesaurus button links have been fixed, so they work again.
2: The Spell Checker is now compatible with all modern browsers and possibly some older ones too. If it's not compatible with your browser, then just post here and I'll add compatibility for it if it can be done.
3: Forum style and layouts for various things has been fixed for all browsers, things like buttons, input fields, certain layouts and etc, everything should look the way that it was supposed to in all browsers now. It's not perfect but it's close to it, everything displays perfect in IE for sure.

As always just request anything you want to see done, and point out anything that doesn't work or doesn't seem right if you ever want something done about it. No-one reported any of the load of fixes that I did this time, but I think I've taken care of many main ones now.

Recommended to clear your browser's temporary files if you want everything to show right, opera especially likes to keep caches for too long.
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they're not entitled to their own facts."
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