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From Topic: Power Bomberman 0.7.7c
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Joined: 20 Sep 2009
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Post#732  Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:57 pm  Reply with quote + 
Someone64 wrote:
I think the way the AI works with avoiding explosions is kinda unrealistic and annoying to play against. Part of playing Bomberman is trying to manage surviving amidst chaos and keeping safe in circumstances where you're not sure when you are or aren't safe. The AI knows 100% of the time when it's safe which causes it to stand in places you'd never expect after placing a bomb.

I think the design can stand to be changed in such a way that the AI treats all bombs as having a large range (growing as time progresses and scales based on the amount of powerups set to be in the stage and what kind are set to appear, eventually by end-game treating bombs as having infinite range) but having a percent chance to know some bombs' ranges. The less players there are the more likely the AI is to know any given bomb's range explosion. The exception is when there are 2 players left and when checking the range of their own bombs. In these cases the behavior should revert to knowing the explosion range 100% of the time.

Similarly, I feel that overlapping sprite gimmicks used to hide players and bombs should be treated in a similar way. AI should treat tiles within explosion range of theoretical bombs as being dangerous. When a bomber passes into one of these (like the igloos with 4 entrances in which you can't see what's under them) the AI will treat the area as if there the player has put down bombs in every possible covered tile under it and should thus always avoid it whether or not a bomb was placed under it. There should be a very small chance that it would know whether or not there is a bomb under depending on player count (you have to account for being able to hear the bombs being placed when there are few players left). This would make playing in stages with this gimmick a lot more fun as it actually has a tangible effect against AI as opposed to none and being nothing more than a hazard to the human players. I guess the exception to this should be when a bomb is placed at the top of one of these as that part is JUST uncovered enough that you can always see whether or not a bomb has been placed.

Difficulty should account for this by increasing the chances the AI knows these the harder it is.

This is valuable insight, thanks. I've been working on making AI a little more natural and fun to play against, I will try to incorporate different estimation of fire range for most difficulties.
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