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From Topic: Karabons, and how to implement them better.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2008
Posts: 37
Post#7  Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:51 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ok I have bad habit in grave digging yes :oops: , but this really caught my attention. I assume the guy isn't around anymore either.

I had a few ideas of how to implement the system a lot better than how it is now and playing through generation again and again is showing how flawed it is. Yes it's trying to cash in on pokemon, but what wasn't trying to back then? The basic concept of pokemon is taking the rpg aspects of summoning and having the whole game based around that while gradually evolving the gameplay. Dare I say Shin Megami Tensei is the earliest example of this in a way? (yeah sorry for the slight rant, everywhere I go it's the same "pkmn" rip off when people review these games. Hell Digimon came out before pkmn and that doesn't get ANY slack)

Anywho, the whole idea feels too much like Battle Network, but a lot more fun :P. I say that bcause I don't enjoy that series too much (network transmission though is a grace) and thats what this idea is more like. It's the same classic gameplay while giving newer RPG elements to it. Not a bad deal I must say. Nice idea.

One of my ideas would be having the Charaboms in the overworld backing you up, like the extra prisoners in Neo Bomberman who would assist you in the overworld, orthe familiars in Castlevania. Not all of them would help you beating enemies cause that would be TOO easy. most would help reveal walls, or should you from enemy attacks (kai-man or Ceedrun) or would attack enemies. The challenge factor would be that they each have health and if they get pwned, you can't use them until you heal them with something (I REALLY don't wanna say Chara-center, it's already in the ahem "rip off" status as it is).

The level up aspects should really be kept and the access points is a nice idea (easier too), but battling I think can be, it CAN be done better. WAY better. It's fact that the battles suck. I can't defend it. So instead, I say do it the same way MMX Command Mission does it. having actions configured to certain buttons. Like say on the GCN controller

Normal Attack = A
Defend = B
Powering Up = X
Special = Y
Nerf = R
Kara Fuse = L

Im trying not to say much cause I don't want anyone stealing this.

Now normal attacks, each charabom would have a different attack so that they have a reason to be different. For example, Andlar can just shoot a normal splash of water while Dorako (draco) can slash the opponent with two attacks (like a double scratch or w/e) or old Kai boy can drill tackle the guy with up to six (incredibly weak) hits. Specials would e the same for each elemental type, meaning bubbles, fireballs, spike stones, and thunderbolts, yah know. Defending is casual, and powering up is well...just powering up for th next turn so your attack is temp. stronger. Nerfs would require something (haven't thought it up yet) and they're just more powerful specials exclusive to charaboms (I played GEN this morning and Kai-man whooped my arse with a friggin tidal wave out of nowhere!) think super attacks.kara fusing occurs if yu have items or other charaboms to fuse with. Like Angol if you're using Stegadon/Andlar/Vice Versa and if you have the compatible bom/item/what ever yeah you can go on and do it (like a hyper mode that lasts for a few turns). Each action costs a single turn to use etc, etc.

Just my 5 cents
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