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From Topic: System Discussion #2: Playstation 2
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Soniti 254

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Post#12  Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:07 pm  Reply with quote + 
Well, I might as well throw in my five cents about the PS2.

I love my collection of games for it, but the system itself is stupidly designed. I find it annoying to have to flip a switch in the back of it and then ethier start it up or opening the disk drive. A very unnessacry inconvience, if you ask me. But anyway, onto the games.

Megaman X8 - I loved playing through it and, to me, it had pretty good replay value. Having to get all of Zero's weapons, enough metal to buy everything (still haven't done this yet, but I'm very close), extra characters and costumes... The soundtrack isn't anything speical, which is quite disapointing as this is one of Capcom's Megaman games, mind you. Still, I had a lot of fun with this game and still play it every now and then.

Devil May Cry - I got into this game only because I heard it's similar to Castlevania, a game series I only started to love a little while before I got this game. I liked the game and found it to be pretty fun. A somewhat basic action platform game, it's got its own set of twists to make it quite different from others. First of all, you can activate the Devil Trigger to become a demonic form, which is cool and very helpful. It also has a nice variety of weapons to use and plently of similar, yet unique, stages to play through. It's a good game.

Metal Gear Solid 3/Subsistence - I loved the Metal Gear series ever since I played the first Solid. This game rocked and was quite fun. I loved how you had to "blend into" the enviroment to avoid being seen by the enemies. I liekd the story to the game, plently of plot twists and had a few emotional moments. I ethier loved or disliked the cast of characters in the game (it was mostly the Cobra Unit I disliked, mainly because they weren't really in depth and were only seemed to be thrown in only as supernatrual bosses), but like the other Metal Gears, this game had a pretty large cast of characters in the game, which was good. Subsistence is pretty much a better version of the original Solid 3. Not only could you play through the same game again, but you could also play the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 (which was unreleashed in America until this game came around) and a online mode (which I have yet to try). A excellent game that I highly recommend.

Megaman X7 - Among all of the X games I've played, I hated this one the most and you can't say anything to change my mind about it. No only did Capcom decide to make the game have 3d parts, which made the game that much more annoying, but this also had some of the worst voice acting I've heard in a game. Once I got up to Red (somehow I was able to do that), I offically stopped playing. Needless to say, I don't plan on finishing this pathetic excuse of a Megaman game.

DDR Max - Of course, now I have to say something about this game. It's a really fun game with a good selection of music (although some of the songs were pretty bad). Generally, it's a good game to play and I get some exercise from it. However, you wouldn't find me playing it at an arcade machine, simiply because I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of masters of this game.

Soul Calibur III - While it is a decent fighting game, the only reason I got it is the character customization. Needless to say, it was quite fun building up my characters from being mediocure looking to awesome looking. Otherwise, it's just another 3D fighter.

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Eh... I generally liked the game, but not as much as the other games in the series. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but I was somewhat disapointed with it. It's not the Raiden conspiracy (I actullay kinda liked Raiden), but it's moreso the last part of the game where it was just extremely confusing. I'm looking forward to MGS4 just to se if they clear things up about that. I've been looking for Substance, but I can't find it anywhere I look.

Ys The Ark of Naptishism - I loved playing through this game. It was great fun and I liekd the cast of characters. It was good how every character had voiceovers, even the most unimportant characters had voiceovers. It was a good game and was really enjoyable. I only recently beated the game for the first time.

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - A solid game just as good, or maybe even better, than the first DMC. It had a interesting soundtrack and cast of characters. It also had a even wider variety of weapons to use, but you could only equip two guns and blades at a time (changing them required going to a statue). It was also fun playing as Vergil, Dante's mysterous twin brother. If you liked the first one, you'll definatly like this one too.

Castlevania: Lament of Innocense - A good platform RPG, although not as great as SotN or AoS. Still, it has good replay value with the secret characters and such. Also had a good soundtrack, although for some reason there are no rocking songs in the soundtrack at all. It added to the medieval feel to the game, but there was really no variety other than classical orchestral music. It got somewhat old after awhile, killing monsters for no real reason while traveling through VERY similar rooms. Again, it's not a bad game, but you might be disapointed with it if you played through gems like Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow.

That's the end of that. I'd generally say that the PS2 has a excellent variety of games from the ones I played through.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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