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From Topic: Old NES games?
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Soniti 254

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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
Posts: 734
Post#36  Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:16 pm  Reply with quote + 
Regulus wrote:
It's not so much that all the games are boring. There are a few games that still manage to be fun while having Wii controls, it's just the Wii controls almost don't feel necessary. It doesn't really enhance the gameplay much/if at all if the execution isn't precise or doing what it's supposed to.

I kind of feel the same way towards the console, although I can't say that things are looking better for the Wii as time goes on (to me, anyway). It's got some nice games, but that's kind of all it has going for it. It's definitely not a single-player kind of console, which is a huge problem for me because I'm usually stuck playing games by myself. If you took a good look at my collection of games, you'll notice that 75-80% of them are single-player games (may or may not be an accurate figure, but I'm much too lazy to actually check them all). I've considered getting games like WarioWare, Mario Party, and even Mario Kart for it, but it's simply not worth it to me since it's more often then not just me playing these games. And everyone should know that one player + games intended for groups/parties = NOT a whole lot of fun for said player.
I mentioned it to you over the weekend and it's probably completely irrelevant to you, but Nintendo made an attachment a while back that actually completely replicates what kind of swings and stuff you do.

Yeah, that's right. An attachment. They didn't remake the Wii Remotes to do, you know, what the Wii was so heavily advertised on doing. They made a separate attachment instead so you can't have your Nunchuck or anything unless you disconnect said attachment. Way to go, Nintendo. Way to go.

But yeah, amongst the few Wii games I play semi-regularly and enjoy are light-gun games, because those kind of games actually work on the Wii and you don't need different controllers to enjoy them (of course, the Zapper/various gun attachments only enhance the experience).

Reggy wrote:
One of the coolest arcade games I've played is the Jurassic Park light gun game where you ride in the jeep and shoot dinosaurs.

That's an awesome game. I swear, if we ever see that one again, we're going to spend at least five bucks in quarters on that game. XD

Reggy wrote:
Maybe I'm exagerating a bit about the Jurassic Park game but sitting on an inflatable cushion rocking back and forth isn't gonna make me feel like I'm riding on a horse.


I'll just feel like an idiot, like most of the other Wiimote control type games I've tried have made me feel.

I lol'ed. XD

I can see it now.

WII YOSHI RIDERS - Now you can finally fulfill your childhood dreams and ride on Yoshi!

Reggy wrote:
If they really could make a legitimate device for horseback riding, a game about Jousting would probably be pretty awesome.

Yeah, if done correctly. If it's just something like them Wii (insert some kind of word related to the game here), then no thanks. XD I'd never be able to take that kind of game very seriously at all if it's like those.

But you know what would be even better?

Sequel to Yoshi's Safari. Am I right? : DDDD
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

Recent stuff I'm into:

Watching: A Certain Scientific Railgun (ep.14, stalled), Hoshi no Kirby (ep. 71, stalled), Nazo No Kanojo X (ep. 8), Acchi Kocchi (ep. 8)
Reading: nothing
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