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From Topic: What I've been doing lately...
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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
Posts: 508
Post#1  Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:31 pm  Reply with quote + 
Sorry for the long absence, I had some tough finals and a bunch of crap to sift thru as my semester ended, but now I'm home for the summer with enough time to post...

My 22th birthday was the 17th. I had a few calls from the fam, and my (useless) father claims he wants to send me some money.

. . .


I am taking driving practices every other day (mainly whenever my mother is aggravating me the least), I hope to finally take the exam by the end of the month. If I get my license, I can look for a parttime job in Columbus,GA while I wait for college to start back.

Speaking of college, I have successfully fulfilled the requirements of the appeal for my financial probation so I can get loans again without any hitches. Not only that, but I am planning on transferring to a school named Columbus State University, but I have to obtain my transcript and such from my old college first. I hope to get it done before the month ends as well. My family and my sponsor advised I still go to Lincoln, but I cannot stand that school any longer, I haven't enjoyed anything there since I even attended the place.

I finally have a Wii! It's very fun to play while I'm at home, despite only having Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and the Wii sport game that came with the system. I want to play online matches once I move into my dorm again. I've also renewed my WoW account because I miss playing my shammies.

After 3 years, I finally got to hang out with my long time friend, Jr. He had moved to Canada after the 2006 spring semester because of conflicts with his family, he had come back for a visit and to obtain a passport. He and another long time friend, Sam, also visited once before he left for Canada, we got quite a few round of Brawl in, as well as gossips about gaming in general. Funny to believe that we're still a bunch of geeks at 22 year olds, you think we'd be talking about some of the more adult stuff (sex, relationships, money) but nope we stuck with what we like best. =)

We DID talk for a few minutes about what we plan on doing later on as far a school goes, JR still isn't focusing on college, for reasons I can't bring myself to ask. Sam wants to return but he can't because his sister uses his car to go and he can't live on campus for some reason... One of my mother's friends suggested carpooling, but he didn't seem that enthusiastic about the idea.

Oh well, that happened a month ago, and JR is long gone now. If I had a car license, I'd visit Sam, but I can't, and neither can Sam, but he said that the only reason he can't come is because he's not familiar with the town I live in, otherwise he'd visit me. So we just talk on MSN Live whenever we're on.

The family is planning a get together on July 4th at a resort called Callaway Gardens, they have a manmade beach and some attractions there like a mini golf course and an arcade, it's been like 10 years since I last partied there so I'm wondering if they still have it all or if they added more stuff to it.

Anyway, that's all I have to tell. I'm trying to draw whenever I'm feeling bored, and I've been messing with a sketch day to day too, so I might post something on my deviantART account someday. I am sure that the boards didn't need my moderation that badly if any at all, but I'm back now. Take care, Bombers!
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