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From Topic: How is everybody doing?
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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
Posts: 200
Post#57  Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:12 pm  Reply with quote + 
People are not all the same. Of course there are similarities between what we go through and how we react, but there are similarities between everything. If you truly believe that everything is all the same, then you have lost something inside of you.

My point is that our peculiarities are largely meaningless. One man likes football. Another likes chess. Another likes Bomberman. Games are games, and the one we find ourselves playing is of no real significance. People think religion is unique? No, most Americans are Christian because their parents were. And the religion is not all that dissimilar from the rest. They are all collections of lies we tell ourselves to explain things.

Taste in music, fashion, etc. Who cares? Weird obsessions, just another iteration of human nature based upon the local circumstances.

Cognitive trends do exist between men and women, but one could argue that these too are just iterations of human nature: that one should love humanity as a whole. And love individual humans for they represent the actualization of ones love.

It was through love of an individual woman that I grew to love all women. I knew a woman with great beauty, responsibility, and endless energy. Her every action was very graceful and consistent with that which is good. She was married, Baptist, and had two children. She was totally dedicated to her children, husband, and god. She had the wisdom to never complain about anything. She was not my wife, but as an outside observer I loved her.

I am usually against religion. But with her I saw how trivial it is. It did not matter. What mattered were her beauty and her noble behavior. She liked football; I dislike football, but I saw how her love for football was good and beautiful and not different from the things I loved.

She was the first woman that I had felt this way for. Before her, I was always disgusted by the badness of women, but she confirmed to me that goodness existed.

And then I learned that she had not always been this way. When young, she was irresponsible and unproductive. In fact, she had gotten pregnant by a man she had just met. What if I had met her when she was irresponsible and without grace rather than when I had? I would not have seen anything admirable in her. But she would have been the same person, and I love that person. So I must love the prior form too, for it is the same. Transfer me back with my future knowledge of her, and I love her in her less perfect state.

And what if things had turned out differently. What if the man who made her pregnant on the first date had failed her rather than becoming a wonderful husband? She would have never achieved the state of perfection which I so admired. But she would essentially be the same person, and I love her, so must love this too.

I found a love for all women growing within me, for they were all essentially the same, differing only in trivial details and circumstance. I saw good in the women who before I only saw badness in. And I saw that this badness existed in the woman I loved, but it was in a dormant state. I grew to love this badness. I stopped calling it badness, for it is just another aspect of the human condition.

Now, nothing shocks me. Nothing disgusts me. It is all beautiful. It is all another iteration of that which I love.

I have always been in the habit of loving abstract concepts. But before, I loved abstract ideals which never have and never will exist. Now I love humanity for what it is.
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