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From Topic: Weird things you notice in Bomberman
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#20  Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:37 pm  Reply with quote + 
This is kind of related to the topic, and I don't really want to create a seperate topic for this, but....

I am sure someone here has mentioned this before, but I may be wrong. Anyway, if you enter some codes for custom Battle Mode characters in Super Bomberman 5, you can actually play as Subordinate Bomber (Pirate Bomber's bandana-wearing lackey). This causes some weird graphical glitches to occur whenever the character appears (in battle or even on the menu screen listing your custom characters), basically of random other characters' tiny "status" pic that appears by your score. I presume this is because the game doesn't know what image to pull up for Subordinate Bomber as they are this type of image and they do appear up near the top left corner of the screen during battle. Also, when you edit him, you get a godlike amount of points, meaning you can max him out completely and still keep a vast unnecessary surplus.

But here is where I start driving to the point. You will soon notice that his selection picture is simply another red X, and his mug shot is that of an ordinary Bomberman with whatever colors you selected - and it should be noted that you can set him to have his real colors. And of course he has no status pic as this causes graphical glitches to occur. But when you bring him into battle, there are a few things to note. Firstly, he has a winning animation. I do not believe that this ever occurs during Story Mode, though I could be wrong. Even so, there is something definately undisputable - he has his own custom Bomber Cart. Also, he has sprites for riding Louies and an idle animation.

So obviously Hudson was thinking about putting him in as a playable character. And why not? He's one of the villains of the game, and a boss. I can sort of understand if Hudson doesn't want to make the chief villains playable - like Bagular and Terrorin - but a perfectly fine lesser villain such as this should have been left in the Battle Mode. Instead, you get a Gold Bomberman as that secret character to fill in the last slot in the selection screen if you beat the game 100%. Why?

A few unrelated side notes - when stunned or trapped, Subordinate Bomber does the old stunned dance instead of the typical SB5 side-to-side movement, though some other characters do varying animations. Also, if you kill Pirate Bomber first in the boss battle, Subordinate Bomber seems to weep. I never noticed this before because he usually dies before Pirate Bomber whenever I face them.
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