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From Topic: The end of a great legacy, Toonami Cancelled.
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Regulus 777

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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
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Post#16  Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:34 am  Reply with quote + 
Dark Zaphe wrote:
Don't lump things together, like when people say all anime is bad or all old school cartoons are good. I don't mean to be mean or anything, I'm just saying.

Oh absolutely. I love anime but it is not "all" good. There's alot of junk in there too. Same goes for tv, I generally don't like it but it's not "all" bad. I'm sure if I watched more then a couple hours of tv a day I'd find things i like, in fact I already know there are things on tv I enjoy watching. Alot of sitcoms I enjoy like George lopez, alot of reruns of odler sitcoms, some cartoons like the occasional simpsons or family guy. I also tend to like gameshows. I don't choose anime over tv because all anime is good and all tv is bad. I just would rather spend my time playing videogames or watching anime over tv because i get a greater sense of satisfaction from them, so I don't bother with television.

This is kind of a side dish and not totally related but I find that tv can only provide me a quick temporary entertainment. I'll get a quick laugh out of something and then end up forgetting about it soon after a show is over. It's fun while you watch it I suppose is the way to put it. On the other hand i get alot more emotionally involved in a game or anime and it stays in my memory a long time and i can passionatily talk about it with others later. That's soemthing i really can't do with tv. I look at a dvd or game i own and a sometimes a swell of great memories will come to mind. I'll remember gonig out shopping for the game or all the long nights I spent working on it and the adrenaline of getting closer to the end, dancing around in my room when i reached the credits. It's great stuff. When i turn on the tv and see a show i like I'll think oh yeah, this is pretty funny sometimes.

Everyone has their own thing but for me tv just can't compare....

lol, oh well. Sorry, I'm finished. Thank you!

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