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From Topic: Bomberman Blast for the Wii
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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
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Post#51  Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:45 am  Reply with quote + 
Ven wrote:
Hmm, the more and more I play this game, the more I seriously get annoyed by the waiting times. I thought Bomberman Live was bad enough when it first came out with the 2:00 timer between rounds waiting for everyone to press A to continue (thankfully they updated it to 20 seconds - but still left the 1:00 timer on the final win screen) but Bomberman Blast takes the cake.

As I said before, you sometimes (today a lot) wait for 5 minutes to get into a game, but then on occasion just when you think it's going to start, the game then disconnects or someone leaves making it shut down. Then you have to go through the WHOLE process again. :stun: 

Let's not even get into the waiting that you have to do between battle 1 and battle 2 when everyone looks at their score. If someone is looking at their score more indepthly (by pressing A and choosing their or someone else's player) you have to sit there and wait on them too. There's a 50 second timer at this screen. Then there's the waiting at the final win screen waiting for the next round of 2 games to begin. Better hope people don't leave or you're in for another wait. :mad: 

This game's online play seems to boarder that of MMOs in the fact that you have to set aside loads of time if you want to just play a few games. You do more sitting/waiting than playing. That is definitely not what Bomberman is about.

As far as the whole casting a vote to choose game mode and level. It should just take majority vote but no, it takes a Random pick of wait was voted. The only time it should do this is if there's a tie. The timer on both of these screens (Game Mode and Level) should be 10 seconds each.

In my first post I wasn't so harsh on it because of the "newness" factor the game had and I was just happy to finally play it. But the whole sitting around and waiting forever quickly erased that newness factor and started to make the game more annoying than fun. If no changes are made, this game will probably slump below Bomberman Live as far as online play goes and that says a lot when you consider what Bomberman Blast has to offer as far as actual gameplay goes. At least in Bomberman Live you can sign on and either quickly join a game, search for a game then join, or create your own. I mean is Nintendo's online not capabale of handling such easy functions as that? Good grief. Local play however is still great.

Also Air Raid should not show the fire paths on the ground. It'd be more exciting if people had to use more judgement in that mode.

I 100% agree, but I'm used to the Nintendo Wifi Connection and it's crap by now. It's usually been my main source for online play to be honest.

As for the wait times I do something else like get on the computer and go on forums, watch youtube videos, and get on facebook, and it takes away the boredom of waiting. Also if you play a lot of friend battles it's better because if you have good friends you can still have a blast and not have to worry about all the waiting crap. Also in most cases (or at least for me) the friends I play generally are way better than the people I usually get put with on the wifi servers search making it competitive.
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