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From Topic: Bomberman 64 glitchy screenshots
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Duke Serkol

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Joined: 02 Jul 2006
Posts: 529
Post#10  Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:41 pm  Reply with quote + 
Okay, sorry to double post but I have to put this here now before I waste anybody's time. I just remembered something that makes me realize the instructions I gave in the above post are bollocks.

There's more required for this than bomb kicking (also some bomb jumping) and the directions I gave to find the platform are most likely wrong.
I don't have the time now, but I swear tomorrow I'll go find where exactly the platform was (and how to get onto it) so i can post working directions.

If no one else posts in this thread by then, I will edit this post to include them.


Okay, here we go. First off, I told you to check the wrong stage: you should go to the one AFTER the fight with Orion. Once you are there, head off to Bomberman's right, on the railtrack, you should find two diggers. Next to the second on is a soft block containing the remote control. Get it (if you see any bomb ups get those too, but I suggest you avoid Fire Ups). Now head back to the start. Looking around you should find a wooden platform with a traffic light on it. Blow it up and continue down that path. You'll find yourself in a different area. Almost immediately you will find a "crate", blow it up and you will be able to notice a railtrack that runs below the platform you are on. Drop onto it and move along staying in this area (i.e. do not take the "door"). You will find another crate, blow it up and keep going.
Eventually you will be above an island with many conic formations (there's also a round cilinder closed on top by a metal grate, with Sirius chilling under it, just so you know it's the right place). Drop to that island. Now, there's a wall closing half of the island, at the point where it ends (opposite to the direction Sirius is facing) you need to place a pumped up bomb, just on the edge. Leave it there and head to the way Sirius is looking, you'll find a ramp. Go up and stun the enemy you find there, then pick him and the bomb you used for stunning and throw both in the lava to get them out of your way. You are now at the same place where you previously jumped down to the railway. Do so again and return to above the island where you set the pumped bomb. Be careful that one of the cones may shoot fire and make your pumped bomb explode if you approach too quickly. Now you need to drop from the wooden platform and bounce off the pumped bomb. If you foolowed my instructions with utmost precision, you'll bounce onto an invisible platform. Kick your bombs to determine where it is safe to walk, and get behind the wall on the outer edge of the island. This can be very, very difficult and take many attempts. Eventually you should find the gateway.

Oh and another thing I misremembered... the doorway isn't imposing at all. I blew it out of proportions in my memory, probably because I thought it was so cool to see something hidden like this for no purpose. It's just a small stone archway like the ones used to go from different areas of the level, except this one is walled up and impassable.
I suppose at one point you were intened to go inside the island (maybe you could blow a hole into the conic structure with a grate on top, the one Sirius stands next to, and this was supposed to be an exit).
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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