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From Topic: Two reasons why Bomberman isn't popular in America.
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Soniti 254

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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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Post#16  Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:33 pm  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
I beleive these are all valid reasons why bomberman is unpopular. The average "gamer" blech i hate that every fool who goes out and buys a PS2 with grandtheft auto or an X box with halo and they think they can call themselves a gamer. Sure you can have one of those games and still be a gamer but when you think its the best thing ever because thats what someone else said so you went out and bought it you're just an idiot...

Let us take the word "gamer" how can you tell the difference between someone who is into gaming because its a fad or who really takes it to heart? Its hard to draw the line somewhere, but i'm sure you can all tell there is a distinct difference. Even just getting into a conversation with someone who claims to be a gamer can be enough proof to you. Owning videogames does not make you a gamer. If that were the case most people would be gamers. Now i don't beleive you have to have a crapload of games to be one, no no *shakes head* but its how you enjoyed them and what they meant to you. If some kid only owns a SNES with a couple of games he's probably more of a gamer then the kid that bought an Xbox got halo and later traded it in for halo 2. Other traits of gamers (but not necassarily required) are having shirts, posters in their rooms, cartoons or books based on games etc. *sigh* i could probably rant about this subject al day but i'll just finish with my bman comments.

I don't think bomberman will ever have a massive popularity to the *vomits* average gamer. I do beleive however he can win us fans back if a well made bomberman game is brought over and translated well. I eagerly await another bomberman 64 or even another bomberman hero. If this can't happen all bomberman will be, even to us gamers who have been around a long while, only an old school game that we still pull out but no longer follow the series.

Well... i'm done... for now, heh heh

Agreed. Espeically on the gamer comment. I heard a kid at school say that he had a Xbox, Gamecube and PS2 one time. I was thinking "That's nothing to brag about compared to my collection." I only say that he's not a gamer because he's one of those pimpin gansta kids. I also sit next to aaht I believe is a Halo/GTA fanboy. He annoys me very much, especcially if I draw Kirby pictures (which I do a lot). He'll say like "Kirby's gay" and crap like that. I really hate that man. They should all be destroyed. But enough about my personal life.

I think that Bomberman isn't doing well because there's the normal people and then there us, hardcore gamers. The normal people want graphics over story and gameplay anyway. Remember Bomberman Hero? I thought it wasn't a bad game, but people vhated it all because it didn't haver multiplayer. Plus what Hudson has been coming up with isn't helping ethier. I heard Jetters blew and Generation, from my exeperince, was horrid. I don't really have much else to say...
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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