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Creating a personal Saturn Bomberman clone and need sprites
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Joined: 30 Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Post#1  Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:22 am  Reply with quote + 
Hi! I came here originally because I was working on a Saturn Bomberman clone and saw some sprites were hosted in this forum - but have gotten to the point where I don't want to have to extract the sprites myself - I'm terribly slow at it and it gives me a headache. I figure I might as well as here as well, would anyone be willing to help get some spritesheets? Pay included. I posted a in /r/forhire, you can see it here.

More onto what I'm making: a clone of Saturn Bomberman for personal use. My family really loves the game, and we used to play it all the time. But now that we are separated by distance, we unfortunately cannot play it. I'd love to have throwback times where we can all play it. So this isn't a commercial release or anything.

I've already finished work on a game re-build, Clue for the SNES, which included networking. I intend to implement the same code for Saturn Bomberman. The only thing I didn't finish is.. sprite extraction!

So that's why I'm posting here as well, maybe someone with some experience in the field wouldn't mind making a good amount of money in helping? I'll pay handsomely. Like I posted in the Reddit post, I prefer to pay with Bitcoin as it's cheap and easy to use, but I'll also use Paypal or Escrow if I must.

Cheers :)
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