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Ragey's Totally Bombastic Bomberman Shrine Place
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Post#1  Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:58 am  Reply with quote + 
I've namedropped it enough in the manual translation thread so I hardly need an extra plug, I'm just wanting to throw some questions around.
For the curious, the site was actually an attempt to evoke the old-fashioned style of Geocities fan pages both in self-named title (Tony's Super Bomberman Page, Boboly Pizza Man's Bomberman Page, and so on) and completely terrible design. I think both didn't come across quite as intended, the design because I'd almost say it's passable and not full of ridiculous Javascript, and the title just comes across as me being egoistical. Ooer!
I've been preparing some scrap pages lately just so I can get up whatever content I have, no matter how minimal, so all the manuals DragonBomber has sent me should have a home by now. However, making the page for the GBC B-Daman game got me worrying - how far should the B-Daman coverage go?

B-Daman has several series, but the toyline was started off as Bomberman B-Daman, being based off the bomber's appearance and having his name in the title and all, and it covers the Bakugaiden series. They're definitely getting featured, no question, it's just a matter of me ever actually bothering to sit down and understand them first. But it's the other B-Daman games and series that worry me. Should they also be covered? The other series drop the "Bomberman" portion of the title and focus more on kids where the B-Daman are just tools or robots or whatever, versus Bakugaiden which was about the sentient Bomberman B-Daman themselves. Should they still be included or just left as footnotes? (I can't judge for the anime, but the SNES Super B-Daman game still has appearances from regular Bomberman, which is at least worthy of a page) After all, B-Daman is effectively a spinoff of Bomberman due to its origins.
I was pondering the same thing about Lode Runner a while back, since it's where the traditional Bomberman appearance originated from, though it's less problematic as only the Hudson versions count. The series has been covered by every developer under the sun, but obviously Hudson's versions are the only one with Bomberman, so I can safely include the 3D GameCube/PS2 remake and perhaps the Game Boy Advance version without issue. Bomberman owes something to Lode Runner due to Bomberman's appearance and the vague story connection in the NES game, so including it to some extent is only natural. B-Daman also has it to thank what with the first series being explicitly themed after it, but besides Bakugaiden I'm just trying to determine to what extent the rest should be covered.
Of course, given how slowly I'm plodding through the games, I don't think I'm in much of a rush to make a plan and I think covering the explicitly-Bomberman games is a higher priority than the only-slightly-Bomberman-due-to-its-history games.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#2  Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:55 pm  Reply with quote + 
Not sure. Perhaps include a subsection with spin-off titles? I would suggest that games such as Battle Lode Runner which have direct ties to the Bomberman series in the game itself should be included at least.
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Post#3  Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
Well, you know you don't have to dedicate nearly as much time and effort to lesser titles, so there's that plus. It all depends on what you want to do. Including them in a spin-off list or chronological order like you do now or both, would still leave the question of how much to cover. On some of those, just wing it. Put down what you feel like. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. You should be having fun after all. :happy: 

Should you run into a drought where you find yourself having covered most of the other full on bomberman titles, you can always look back again if you feel the urge. But that's years away really. There are many games out there you still can bite into. Go where you have the most fun and personal validation. Whatever makes you happy, sir.
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