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From Topic: My plan to get a PSP, but I need to know something
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
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Post#9  Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
SSJ-Sonic 254 wrote:
After reading you're response, there are a number of questions I'd like to spring up. But I'll do you a favor and I'll just ask what I feel is the biggest/most important ones to ask.

Have you done research for this console?

What I mean by research is exactly what it sounds like. Did you check out what kind of games the PSP has to offer? What features it has to offer? Does any of it sound appealing to you? If you haven't, I'd strongly advise doing so. This is an entirely new console to you, you should know what is on it that you're interested in, and this really only helps you figure out whether or not it's a console worth getting.

But my biggest question is this. What exactly do you want a PSP for?

I'm only asking you this since you shot down arguably some of the best games that the PSP has to offer seemingly without as much as a second thought (not saying you have). And it seems like you're only interested in one-two games for it, even though it already has amassed quite a library of games since the PSP was first introduced. And, to be completely honest, I find the thought of getting a system that over four years old for only two games to be really baffling. You see, whenever I want to get a console, it's always one of the following situations:

1) There are a good number of games in the console's library that I'm interested in.

2) There are a few games in the console's library that I know I'll be able to play and enjoy for a long time.

3) There are games in the console's library that are sequels to franchises I like and/or there are game's in the console's library that I've read/heard are similar to other games I like.

4) It's from a company that I've grown to like over time (Sega, Nintendo, and Sony are examples in my case).

5) Obviously any mixture of the above.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not criticizing you or anything. I'm also not saying that getting a PSP in your case would be a grave mistake. The whole reason I'm asking this is to give you some insight on whether or not getting this console would be worth it to you.

Well the sheer size of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite basically makes up for me not being interested in very many games on the system, since it'll keep me going for a very long time. But still, is Daxter a good choice? If it is, I might also get an other games in the Jak and Daaxter series if the get released on PSP.
Edit: Hey, would it be possible to find Bomberman Jetters videos and download them to PSP?
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