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From Topic: Suiciding/Kamikazing in bomberman
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#14  Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:42 pm  Reply with quote + 
Och, talking to you is more aggravating than I can put into words right now, though it is late here. But I will attempt to continue this conversation as it upsets me to be misunderstood in any way.

Listen carefully. Do not skim, please.

I brought up revenge carts as a comparison to the kamikaze tactic. I am NOT, NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT talking about killing yourself on purpose in order to enter revenge cart mode. I am talking about when you get killed in battle and enter revenge cart mode, and I am talking about the mode in which you CANNOT re-enter battle after killing someone, you just kill them and stay in your revenge cart. You do not "choose to go that route", you die in battle and must go that route because there is no other option other than to sit idle, which is pointless. Anyway, the whole reason that I brought up revenge carts is because the GOAL for revenge cart mode is to try to cause a draw and the GOAL for performing a kamikaze is to try to cause a draw.

No one stated it is game breaking. Evidently you should have reread the posts. Two of us brought up the fact since the kamikaze method is not game breaking, then it is not illegal, because there are no rules to Bomberman, it is a video game. While online games may have rules about harassing other players and things like that, this evidently does not even fall into that category, as it is simply a game method, such as hiding and sniping in first person shooters, which aggravates many people as well. However, it is a legit strategy, as there really are no illegal strategies in video games. It's a game, get over it.

Also, bringing up "bomberman rules" is not "useless" because, in fact, you brought them up in the first place. You may not think you did, but really you brought up unspoken rules. You stated that people boot those who kamikaze. Well, they are following an unwritten rule about kamikazes. I am saying that there are no rules to Bomberman, and there should not be because it is a video game and video games should not be overcomplicated with rules, it is obnoxious. As I have said in the previous paragraph, this kamikaze method is a game strategy, just the same as sniping in FPS's, and sniping has always been disputed as "dishonorable" or other such things because you hide somewhere and pick people off whereas normal players fight each other. The only time someone should be booted is if they are deliberately causing trouble (for example, cursing for no reason, team killing on purpose, etc). People should not be booted for pulling off a kamikaze, just as snipers should not be booted.

I hope you understand me by this point.

dakirbydude wrote:
I say if you are with friends you know in real life and you all get together, it's ok to kami. You are all friends, and joking can be fun, right?

But in any other case, no. A suicide is stupid for any purpose other than joking and it is frustrating on teams.

I've made up some good suicidal jokes and with friends I think it's ok, but when you are playing competitively online or anywhere else I think it's un-acceptable.

There are good reasons to kamikaze; this you should have gathered from the debate in this topic.

Firstly, if it is just you and one other guy left, and you are trapped in such a way that you are sure to die, but you can cause the blast that will kill you to kill the other guy and take you both out, you will cause a draw, which means that no one gets points so no one else gains advantage.

Also, as mentioned by Ven in his first post, during team games if there is only one guy left on the other team and one or more on yours, one of your guys might decide to sacrifice himself to kill the last opponent if the opponent is in a bad position.

Of course, I do not promote dirty fighting in this way, but it is not unacceptable. Unacceptable would be hacking into the game or cheating in some form. These are legit strategies, just find a way to get around them. Surely you can, can't you? Knock them out, kick their bombs away or back at them, or can you still hold bombs and players in these new games? I know when I used to play other Bomberman games I'd often throw around bombs and players if necessary. It gets people angry but if you've got a glove, why not use it? What's the point of Hudson adding in that extra code if people aren't going to use it? Of course, I make this reference to the glove and now you guys are going to get confused and say "but we're not talking about the glove." I'm sorry, I just can't restrict my thoughts to one straight monotone voice, I must give examples, and I must use language. It pains me to cut down my speech, but if you want me to talk like a robot, so be it.
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