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Emperor Terrorin

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Joined: 09 Jun 2008
Posts: 9
Post#17  Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:28 am  Reply with quote + 
I grasp your points, and it's totally true. The actual industry is what I'm blased of everydays and evey minutes, no creativity, and the big names of the videogame industry don't want to move on for change this state, they even "casualise" their games and series for the sake of the new generation of players. I was also a player for nearly all of my life, And I find that hopeless, It's like, neither of the Wii, 360 or PS3 offer that much of games that fit to us. The actual console generation is (And I'm no't affraid to say it) shit. There's still only newbies, fanboys or naives of the gamers comunity for still do the "console war" with a so shitty generation of consoles. And I don't speak about the Game Design school; they brainwash you in the directive of a very specific way to make games and use your capital, but what's more is that the teachers themselves are ignorants. In France, our "French Elite" of videogame school is named "Supinfogame", and this school is nearly horrible for knowing somes peoples who study here. The teachers themselves like I say are ignorants, they don't know that much the history of the videogame and the contest of entry is just superbly easy, I know someone where in the "Game Concept creativity" case he done a concept that is more an improved version of Odama than otherwhise, and guess what ? He was accepted. The teachers seems to played very more to the PC games in fact, because that's where come a "generation clash".

The "Generation Clash" is the fact that they, older players, was always players of the Westerns games, mainly on PC, then us, youngers players, were mostly player of the japan games that is mainly on consoles. Before the PS2, western games on consoles was very rare. With the PS1/2 it started to be opened, what's result that today in our game design schools, we have a specific way that want us to make western style of game, and we just CAN'T make games that are how we loved it. Because our industry want we make this type of game; and Japan is just utterly recalcitrant to strangers and it's very hard to works here (Also that Japanese is a very hard language) so it's definitively impossible for us to find the performance we search if we want to be a game conceptor. Even so, the present industry tend to become more and more shitty, making games for the new generation of gamers named "casuals" that is clearly going to definitvely shadow us. I have nothing against them, but they kill us. Every consoles are for players that isn't us. What still except somes rares games each years ? Well, I'm attempted to say the indy industry; where there is only creativity and no one industry-blockings materials. But it's like we are clearly in a bad way.

And for Sonic, I confirm that the majority of fans that we heard are the old-school players, because they scream hard and know to cry right, and they are many, so everyone heard them, but not clear if they ARE the majority. Like say, it can be mainly kids that don't go on the internet, because we seen that the majority of recent Sonic fans are that type of kids that loves the "cool" Sonic. And by the way, at everytime Yuji Naka say "The next Sonic game will be old-school, don't worry !" and we get a new punch in the face with a game that had nothing to do with the old Sonic Games. And by the way, I don't like Sonic ...

And for Bomberman, I'm pretty sure there still things to say anyway. Even if we must repeat ourselves, maybe. But you're right that discussions don't work right mainly because we in majority all consider that Bomberman is dead and do with it ... How infortunate ... Is there is really no one way to make us heard ? Even just a remake of TSA! would be great ...
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