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Post#62  Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:30 am  Reply with quote + 
I agree with Regulus. As Zaphe said, our purpose here is to establish links between the games and plus, I find it replenishing to discuss about Bomberman. Thus, the topic will stay the way it is; sorry, Ninja!

I have already stated my opinion in regards to the giant floating eyeball, that it is a subordinate of Bagular, whose domain and inteligence seemingly have no limits in the bomberverse, and it remains the same now. Now, about the Five Dastardly Bombers: I do think they could take over a planet or two before facing Bomberman so as to, perhaps, maintain resources and maintenance for their spaceship and therefore grow stronger. When they were defeated in SBM2, the remains of their bodies were sent to a scrapyard (a very bad thing! They could've reprogrammed them into good people, perhaps even recruit them in a Zero manner, but instead they just toss the poor things into trash...) and there stayed until Bagular decided to get them back. Although I have read somewhere that Bagular resurrected them because he needed help to take over those five stars, plot-wise it may be that they needed power for a new spaceship, and thus stole those chips. To know that for sure, however, I'd need to translate the japanese manual. I think I am wrong in this little theory, though.

[EDIT]: Hey, Bomberman Fantasy Race manual states that Pretty Bomber is rather sly for someone with such an innocent face, so you were right about she being on her own side, Duke. Sorry for doubting that! Also, I decided to stop calling the FDB that, beucase I previously thought "dastardly" had something to do with evil while the dictionaries say it is "cowardly" or perhaps "cowardly evil", and although the name sounds great that's not something I want to call my favorite characters, y'know? Thus, I may adopt "Five Bad Bombers" or maybe "Heinous Five Crowd" (a somewhat loose but very cool translation of the original name). Oh, that same manual also states she is the only female member of the "Evil Five" and that Bagular was the creator of the "Evil Bombermen" (and also that he was participating the race to gain funds for his evil plan to conquer the galaxy)... I think I prefer the other names, lol, but I may use those when I want to shorten the text.

Actually, now that we are on this subject, if you translated Bomberman GB 3, you know some japanese, right? So let us see if my translation is correct: the team name is "凶悪ボンバー5人衆" (something like "kyouaku bonbaa go jinshuu"), with the first kanji meaning "atrocious", "fiendish", "brutal" or "villanious" and the second one meaning "evil" or "wickedness", and while together they would mean exactly the same thing, I prefer to make it "heinous", despite this one having to be "gokuaku" exactly. But hey, "atrociously evil" is the same thing as "heinous", right? I think that's well-enough! Proceeding, the next four (which are actually kana, and not kanji) means "bomber", with leaves us with the last two, meaning "people" (although most kanji combinations containing this one are related to "man" in the sense of "person" and "true human being", and I wish it was "人造" because it would mean "man-made" and it would make a tremendous sense) and then "great number" or "masses". Thus, "crowd". Henceforth, the full name would be literally "Heinous Bomber Five Crowd", but that is a rough translation. If you'd let me change it a little, I would turn it into "Heinous Five Crowd", omitting the "bomber" because it doesn't sound that good to me and we already know they are bombers, hehe. Alternatively, the "Heinous Five Bombers", which makes more sense, but I personally find the first one a great (and better) name! What about you guys? Since my japanese isn't that refined (I can somewhat read, but I cannot write unless I already know the kanji or kana I need to beforehand, which is not really writing), that translation may be wrong, so please forgive me... But it is a great name, isn't it? It should also be noted that there is no kanji combination (in meaning) of "人" and "衆" (although if this last one changed a little tidbit, it would form "jinshu", which means "race"), and because of that I had to join both to make something understandable out of it. In reality, "crowd" can be "人だかり" or "人込み" (in this case, "crowd of people"), among many others. Japanese is beautiful, but sometimes it can be a pain in the ass, sheesh. I... Just realized "crowd" can be changed to "group", althout to me a group is not "masses" of people. Darn! Okay, then another of the possible translations is "Heinous Bomber Five Group". Do you mind if I stick with "crowd" (in a sense of small and not-well-meaning group, like "that crowd from down the lane", taking the example from KND), though? I like it better and "group" seems far too normal for such an amazing team of evil bombers, as well as my favorites ones, hehe. Thanks!

Last but not least, it seems Duke wasn't the only one to theorize Honey was in fact Pretty Bomber: some japanese players even made sketches comparing their appearances and some theorized that when Pretty Bomber came to Earth (or Planet Bomber, whatever, I prefer calling it Earth) she became a popstar with the alias of Honey. I do know that is not the case since both appear together in the same game, and Honey is merely a mascot, her name coming from "Honey Bee" and a bee being on Hudson's logo, but it's still interesting to see what people over there think about this matter, uh? It is not entirely unlikely that it may be an easter egg of sorts. However, I doubt it, and prefer to think of them as separate characters, since Honey and Kotetsu have a story together as mascots and were made to look exact opposite (he is a man, a samurai, the symbol of eastern culture, and she is a cowgirl, the symbol of western culture from Japan's point of view, at least).

To think this was such a small post before the edit, phew! Excuse me if I said something stupid, 'kay?
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